Go Big On A Smaller Home

One of our mottos is “Do less, better.” For us, it comes down to doing a lot with a little. It is the reason why our homes are compact by design.

Beyond aligning with our own values, reducing the size of your home also has tangible benefits to you as a homeowner. Here are 4 reasons to go big on a smaller home.

1. Reduced Footprint, Bigger Impact:

A smaller footprint means less materials used and a lower carbon footprint. It also means a home that has less impact on the land around it, one that can integrate itself better into its environment. On top of that, it also means we can build it faster.

2. Spend Less:

Smaller homes are less expensive to heat and cool. This, coupled with an efficient shell like ours makes for even more efficiency. They also cost less to maintain, with reduced expenses for repairs, utilities, and property taxes.

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More time to do less

3. Simplified Lifestyle:

Simple place, simpler pace. Reducing distractions can help us connect to what really matters. With less underused space comes less to worry about and more time to spend on our well-being, like connecting with the outdoors and your surroundings.

4. More Efficient Systems:

For us at Base, giving ourselves a size limit forced us to be efficient with our home layouts. We’ve focused on smarter storage, a more compact and efficient mechanical system for cooling, heating and air filtration, as well as greater attention given to material choices. With an emphasis on quality over size, we’ve been able to obsess over every detail of our homes.

Speaking of materials, we talk about using natural, climate-resilient ones like hemp and wood fiber insulation in our walls – but what does that mean for you? Catch it in the next baseletter to find out.

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